Thursday, March 29, 2012

Pumped Up and Slimming Down

I want to apologize for not posting yesterday, but I was very busy.  On Tuesday night I finally set up my "gym" in the basement.  I have my weight bench, lat tower, and a carpeted area for floor exercises.  I put 50 lbs of weight on each piece of equipment as a starting point and it seems to be a good weight for me.  My exercise routine was:

  • 40 jumping jacks
  • 10 push ups (regular)
  • 25 crunches
  • Stretching

 3 full sets of the exercises below:

  • Bench Press (shoulder width) - 12 repetitions - 50 lbs plus bar
  • Lat Pulldown (wide grip) - 12 repetitions - 50 lbs total
  • Dead lift - 12 repetitions - 50 lbs plus bar
  • Barbel Curl (shoulder width) - 8 repetitions - 50 lbs plus bar
After 3 full sets, I did:
  •   40 jumping jacks
  • 10 push ups (knees down)
  • 25 crunches
Every exercise was done slowly to pay close attention to form.  Once I get comfortable with each exercise, I will add more weight.  I am of the school that believes that proper form and motion is far more important than tons of weight or loads of repetitions.  After this workout I felt fantastic and really pumped up.  I listened to fast paced music and only took breaks between sets to stretch.  My muscles only started to fail right at the end while doing push ups, which is why I did them with my knees down.

Last night I walked/ran for 15 minutes early on in the night.  We went out and about and I did really good on calories and still managed to eat some frozen yogurt.  I tried "grazing" yesterday and ate small meals or snacks every 2 hours and it curbed my appetite tremendously.  Just before getting ready for bed, I took the bike out and went hard and fast for 15 minutes around the neighborhood (about  1.5 miles).  I would have gone further and longer, but my bike isn't working right.  I am hopefully taking it to the local bike shop this weekend, so that they can look it over.

Today so far I have tried going back to 3 square meals instead of grazing and it is terrible.  I think I might go to grazing completely.  Tonight I will be doing weight training once again and tomorrow will be the first day on a multivitamin.  Come back tomorrow for more about my Daddy Weight Loss journey!


  1. Yes, good man, weight lifting will have amazing effects on your body. Having that extra muscle means you have less fat to lose before your body looks good, and lifting will help you lose that fat too.

    I'd change your exercise routine though. Focus on one body part each time you work out, it makes it easier to gain muscle mass (based on personal experience) and it will stop you getting bored of it so quickly.
    It's also good because instead of waking up every morning after a workout and having your whole body ache a bit, you'll only have one sore body part, leaving the rest free to exercise more :)

    What's wrong with your bike? There are no bike problems that can't be easily fixed at home for less than they'd cost at a bike shop.

    Also, I went running today. It's been about 6 months since my last proper run, but I wanted to get back into it and your blog has motivated me. Thanks :)

    1. I have done weight lifting in the past and I completely agree with what you are saying. As the fat goes down and the muscle goes up my body looks better, it almost makes the progress seem twice as fast.

      I am thinking about changing the routine, but for right now I will stick with what I am doing. At this point I'm not doing any big weight lifting and I don't have a whole lot of equipment. Once I start to up the weights and start to concentrate on building mass, I will split up my days.

      As far as my bike is concerned, the shifters on the grips aren't working correctly. Also, the derailer isn't moving the chain to 2nd, only 1st and 3rd. The bike shop has never charged me for service before, as long as I buy any accessories I need from them.

      I am glad to hear that I motivated you! Hopefully you can keep it up and run more often!
