Monday, March 19, 2012

Best Fat Burning Tool

Not the same bike, but similar

My father was nice enough to let me take his Fuji mountain bike home to use in my weight loss journey  (Thanks Dad!).  I loaded it up in my sister in law's jeep (Thanks Destiny!) and my brother dropped it off at my house (Thanks Jesse!).  I got the chance to ride it will my little sister Alley around my neighborhood on Saturday night.  We rode about 2 miles and went back home.  On Sunday I rode hard and fast for another 2 miles.

It is amazing how much of a workout I can get before getting too tired on a bike.  When running I get wore out before I even start to break a sweat.  After getting home last night I did 3 sets up push ups and crunches.  My body felt and looked tighter, I have more endurance, and I am even more energetic during the day.  Falling asleep after is also much easier than without exercise.  Bicycling is something that I have always loved which can't be said about running.  I live in a wonderful community that is very bike friendly with low traffic and plenty of sidewalks.

I was able to keep my calories in check all weekend without being too low.  I haven't had the chance to step on a scale since my last weigh in, but I am very excited to weigh in soon.  I don't like weighing in too often because it takes my motivation away if I don't see what I like.  For me the motivation comes from looking at my body in the mirror every few days.  I can see the little things that are changing and I can imagine how things will look in the coming months.

Daddy Weight Loss is still in full effect and before I know it Tobias won't be able to keep up with me!


  1. I love biking, but as far as exercise/weight loss goes, it's nothing compared to running.
    I go out on my bike when I haven't been able to run for a while, to get my fitness up a little bit so I'm prepared for running. I think you should push yourself really hard on your bike rides, then start running again with an increased fitness level. I know you said you haven't always loved running, but when you eventually build up to running long distances, you'll get what's called "runner's high", and you'll fall in love, trust me.

    Also, have you checked out Shayloss on youtube? (
    He used to weigh 280+ lb, but he's worked hard and has actually just ran a marathon. He's put up loads of inspirational videos that you might want to check out.

  2. @Daniel - I guess I didn't go into it enough in my post. My intention is to use the bike to get my fitness up so that I can start running longer distances. When I ride alone I crank up the music and ride as hard as I can. I slow down only for cars or other pedestrians.

    I haven't checked out Shayloss. I subscribed to that channel on YouTube just now and I followed your blog!

  3. Thanks for the follow :)
    Check out Shay's older Shayloss videos, the most recent ones are more about life improvement and general fitness rather than weight loss. His older ones show him getting to grips with diet changes, new exercises, weigh ins and being more active, which I think would benefit you more.

  4. @Daniel - I will definitely check those out. I usually go to the first video and start from there.
